Explorers Claim to Have Discovered Inca Emperor’s Tomb

May 3, 2014
The Telegraph
It sounds like a plot from an Indiana Jones film, but explorers claim to have found ruins hidden deep in a dense and dangerous Amazonian jungle that could solve many of South America’s mysteries – and lead to one of the world’s most sought-after treasures.
Did Ecuador Discover the Last Inca Emperor’s Tomb?

The execution of the Inca emperor, Atahualpa, by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533
(Note: In 1533 Francisco Pizarro captured and executed the Inca emperor at the time, Atahualpa. However, after Atahualpa’s death, three more Inca emperors ruled from the Incas’ rebel capital of Vilcabamba: Sayri Tupac, Titu Cusi, and Tupac Amaru. The Spaniards executed the final Inca emperor, Tupac Amaru, in Cuzco in 1572–almost forty years after Pizarro’s arrival–Kim MacQuarrie).
Ecuador may have found last Inca emperor’s tomb
Agence France-Presse
February 29, 2012
It has been sought for centuries but remained a mystery, still out of reach. Now an expert has pinpointed a site that could be Atahualpa’s resting place: the last Inca emperor’s tomb….
Leonardo di Caprio, Ed Norton and Al Gore Pay Ecuador Not to Extract Oil

Leonardo DiCaprio in a Bridgestone “Ecopia” Tire Ad, a tire that reduces your carbon footprint. He is also part of the Yasuni National Park “crowd-funding” initiative in Ecuador.
World pays Ecuador not to extract oil from rainforest
Governments and film stars join alliance that raises £75m to compensate Ecuador for lost revenue from 900m barrels
The Guardian
An alliance of European local authorities, national governments, US film stars, Japanese shops, soft drink companies and Russian foundations have stepped in to prevent oil companies exploiting 900m barrels of crude oil from one of the world’s most biologically rich tracts of land…
Amazon Held Advanced, Spectacular Civilizations Prior to European Contact

Scientists Find Evidence Discrediting Theory Amazon Was Virtually Unlivable
The Washington Post
September 5, 2010; 7:57 PM
SAN MARTIN DE SAMIRIA, PERU – To the untrained eye, all evidence here in the heart of the Amazon signals virgin forest, untouched by man for time immemorial – from the ubiquitous fruit palms to the cry of howler monkeys, from the air thick with mosquitoes to the unruly tangle of jungle vines…
BP Oil Catastrophe Mirrors Texaco-Chevron Amazon Disaster

A pool of oil in Lago Agrio, an Ecuadorean town in the Amazon where Texaco is accused of having dumped millions of gallons of contamination in local rivers and lakes in order to save the company money. Chevron later purchased Texaco, and has inherited Texaco’s legal troubles
Disaster in the Amazon
By Bob Herbert
June 4, 2010
BP’s calamitous behavior in the Gulf of Mexico is the big oil story of the moment. But for many years, indigenous people from a formerly pristine region of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador have been trying to get relief from an American company, Texaco (which later merged with Chevron), for what has been described as the largest oil-related environmental catastrophe ever…